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Teal Independents Lsquo Vastly

Sehen Sie,Was Er Getan Hat,Nachdem Er Verraten Wurde.

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2025-03-11 00:14 3,022 Youtube

A rant about consuming less, creating more.

Upload : 5 days ago...

2025-03-07 01:34 143 Youtube

TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA? | Which English Teaching Course Should You Choose?

Upload : 1 week ago...

2025-03-03 01:50 19 Youtube

Apache Spark Integration: Connect with Hadoop, Hive, and Big Data Tools

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2025-03-12 02:56 0 Youtube

Liberal party loses three Sydney seats to teal independents

The Liberal party lost three Sydney seats to teal independents with moderate Liberal MPs unseated in Wentworth, North Sydney and Mackellar. Heading into the ele...

2022-05-22 02:17 196 Dailymotion

Teal Independent Jacqui Scruby likely to win seat of Pittwater

In New South Wales, the Liberal party has won by-elections in the Sydney seats of Epping and Hornsby, while a "teal" independent has wrestled control in Pittwat...

2024-10-20 02:49 1,141 Dailymotion

Teal Independent has entered the New South Wales election race

The Climate 200 group has backed its first challenger Joeline Hackman in one of the Liberal party's heartland seats, running against incumbent Dominic Perrottet...

2022-11-20 01:56 1 Dailymotion

Former teal advisor launches independent campaign in Northern beaches electorate of Pittwater

The teal independents will try to tighten their grip on Sydney’s northern beaches next month. A former advisor to two federal teal MPs has launched her campai...

2024-09-05 01:36 577 Dailymotion

The Liberal Party is facing another challenge from a teal independent in New South Wales

In the Northern Beaches seat of Pittwater a new Climate 200 candidate has emerged to takeover the blue ribbon seat in the state election...

2022-12-13 02:00 1 Dailymotion